EPM Cloud Lab – Create a New Planning Application

April 13, 2018

Since February 2014, when PBCS came to the Market, Oracle EPM cloud solutions have been getting stronger.

Till April 2018, the EPM cloud solutions are:

If you have a Planning and Budgeting environment and try to create a new application, you will notice that the creating planning application interface has changed. So now, let’s take a look at all these options.

When we create a new application, there are three available options:

  • Finance
  • Human Capital
  • Sales


Underneath finance, there are three application types:

  • Planning & Budgeting
  • Financial Close
  • Tax Reporting

1.1 Planning & Budgeting

Under the Planning & Budgeting option, we see there are three sub-options:

  • Standard
  • Enterprise
  • Reporting

1.1.1 Standard

Select Standard to create a PBCS application.

Under Standard Application, we are able to create a sample application or create a brand-new application.

When creating a sample application, PBCS will create a Vision application right away. If we select New, we will be able to customize the application creation settings.

There are 4 steps: General –> Details –> Customize –> Review.

1.1.2 Enterprise

Select Enterprise to create an EPBCS application.

We notice that there are only 3 steps: General –> Details –> Review. The Customize step is not available for the enterprise application.

1.1.3 Reporting

Select Reporting to create an EPRCS application.

Same as the Enterprise application. The customize step is not available.

1.2 Financial Close

Select Financial Close to create a FCCS application.

Select Financial Close. We are able to create a sample application or create a brand-new application

Select New to create a new application.

There are 4 steps to create a new application: General –> Details –> Features –> Review.

1.3 Tax Reporting

Select Tax Reporting to create a TRCS application.

Select Tax Reporting. We are able to create a sample application or create a brand-new application.

Select Sample to create a sample TRCS application.

Select New to create a new application.

There are 4 steps to create a new application: General –> Details –> Features –> Review.

2.Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud   

Select Human Capital to create a Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud application.

There are three steps for creating a Strategic Workforce Planning application, General –> Detail –> Review.

This is the Strategic Workforce Planning Cloud application interface.


Select Sales to create a comprehensive solution for managing sales performance. Currently, this is not available. I will keep my eyes on this.


Hope you have a clear understanding of all the options when creating a new planning application.



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